Wedding in London with 150 guests dispersed by police over lockdown violations

a wedding In London that violated United kingdom Officials said the lockdown was dismantled by police Thursday night.

Initially, the Metropolitan Police said 400 people attended the wedding, but the force later revised the number to 150.

Currently, a maximum of six guests are allowed to attend weddings and civil partnership ceremonies, according to the coronavirus in the UK Close orientation. However, these celebrations should only take place „in exceptional circumstances,” such as when one of the partners becomes terminally ill.

Police said they were called to the Stamford Hill neighborhood in London on Thursday night, with news of a large gathering at a school.

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„The group met to attend a wedding and took a number of steps to hide their activities, cover the windows and close the gates,” the Metropolitan Police said in a statement. Release.

Yessudi Hatorah High School for Girls in Stamford Hill, London. Police said they broke up a wedding party attended by 150 people despite the school shutdown across the country Thursday night. (Stefan Russo / PA via AP, File)

According to police, the wedding organizer faces a fine of £ 10,000 (approximately $ 13,685) and five other attendees were given £ 200 (about $ 274) „flat penalty notices”.

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The place was the Hatorah Yusudi School for Girls, a state-funded Orthodox Jewish high school, the principal of which died from Corona Virus In April of last year.

The school said in a statement that it „was terrified about last night’s event and condemns it in the strongest possible terms.”

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The school said its hall was rented out to an outside organization, „and we had no knowledge that the wedding was taking place.”

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The UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis also condemned the rule-breaking event.

„At a time when we all make such great sacrifices, this amounts to an outright elimination of the responsibility to protect lives, and such illegal behavior is hated by the vast majority of the Jewish community.” chirp Friday.

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Bars, restaurants and entertainment venues in Britain have been closed, and people are being told to stay at home to a large extent, as part of restrictions to curb a new surge in the virus. The UK has recorded more than 95,000 deaths from COVID-19, the highest in Europe.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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