Actor Brad Venable, aged 43, dies of video game and anime voice actor

Brad Venable – who provided his voice acting talents to Devil May Cry 5, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, several anime series and more – has passed away at the age of 43. Share the news by Vinabel’s wife. The cause of death was not announced at the time of publication.

Among many other parts, Venable played the familiar Griffon for V in Devil May Cry 5, as well as roleplaying in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Wars, a remake of Demon’s Souls, and a Final Fantasy 7 remake. He also played Daz in the English dubbing for Attack on Titan and has played roles in My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, and Dragon Ball Super.

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IGN sends condolences to Venable’s family and friends.

Joe Scribbles is IGN’s Executive News Editor.

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